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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16, 2012

Yes, I'm still walking...... just barely.

The seedlings and diploids are all in the ground now........... 473 seedlings and 894 diploids. Now for the big group - the tetraploids. I measured the remaining garden space and have room for another 650-675 plants. Awwwww, geez! Where am I going to plant the other tets?????

Before I can go on, I need to haul the empty pots from the garden back to the storage shed.

And there is still a pile of bean vines that needs to be hauled down to the brush pile. Once I am done planting, I have a HUGE brush pile to start shredding for mulch. Crazy me, I am actually looking forward to starting on it. And when you have this many trees around, there will always be limbs falling, especially after the aphids moved in this year. The next few years will show a lot of trees dying, we're afraid. But, hey, that will be free firewood and mulch. Yes, I know how to run a chainsaw. There are a few trees here that I will be cutting down in the next several months, I'm sure. But anyway, that was something that I bought right after I moved over here - an 8 hp Craftsman chipper/shredder so I am anxious to try it out..... when I ever have some spare time....  lol

And I still have 16 or 17 roses to plant. Scott's rose is getting a place off by itself and the others are the climbers that go along the driveway side of the rose garden. I waited on them because I knew I would have to measure where each plant goes to get them in the right spots to train onto the split rail fence.

The feel of winter is in the air. It was 37 degrees when I went out and finished planting the diploids this morning. That gives me a sense of urgency about the planting. But it also makes me want to stop and appreciate the beauty around me, since I know it can't last much longer. The trees are beautiful and there are still lots of blooms to enjoy.........
Several of Mom's flowers are still putting on a show......

And the roses are really trying to give me a performance before the end of the season.......

Fourth Of July is gorgeous, as usual......

Gypsy Dancer was also beautiful today!

Pink Double Knock Out...........

Sunny Knock Out.......

Seminole Wind.............

Rainbow's End.........

And here is Scott's memorial rose, Fire Meilland. All of these beauties were blooming today.

With all this beauty around me, it would be hard to not be happy and at peace.

And while I realize that the way I have had to plant the daylilies is not going to make a pretty garden, it should, at least, bring them through the winter in good condition. Here is a shot of a section of the newly planted garden......

Next project...... PLANTING THE TETRAPLOIDS!!!!!!

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